Mostly Useless Thoughts on Stuff that Interests Me...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

365 Songs: Day 4

When I first heard Lazy Eye by the Silversun Pickups in late 2006, like many others, I wondered if it was a man or woman singing. The 25 second explosion at the 2:45 mark answered that; Brian Aubert was indeed male.

I looked for a good live recording of this song, but it seems that bit at 2:45 is hard to replicate, so I'm sticking with the studio version.

While I enjoyed the rest of Carnavas, which was their debut album, nothing else on it, or their sophomore effort Swoon, ever reached the perfection of this song. For me, it will go down as one of the finest efforts of the 00's.


kevin said...

Don't be hatin on Panic Switch.

C. Michael Pilato said...

The "explosion at the 2:45 mark" is the perfect payoff for all the tension invested in the prior minutes. Good share, Paul.

pburba said...

Hey now, I found Swoon more than adequate, but Panic Switch is no Lazy Eye!

CKY said...

Damn when I read Lazy Eye I was hoping for Goo Goo Dolls. Meh.