Mostly Useless Thoughts on Stuff that Interests Me...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Sadly his command of merge tracking issues is limited.

Occasionally at KRA we* take in orphaned kittens. Recently, a lone three week old male, dubbed "Sunny" by the Bride, was dropped in front of the shelter.

I love other cats...If by "love" you mean, "want to rip their faces off".

After having to drive the Bride to the shelter at 10:00 pm to bottle feed Sunny, I allegedly, in a sleep deprived haze, said something to the effect of, "Wouldn't this be easier if he was just at our house?"

Your shoe is untied. Well it's about to be anyway.

Cue to a few days later and not only is he in our house, he's in my office. Now we already have three cats, so we are fostering him only until he is adopted (and the Bride tells me we already have a hot lead). In the meantime I've learned more than I ever wanted to know about how kittens learn to poop.

I bite your face.

Now I'll say somebody hacked my account and wrote this sappy post if anyone repeats this, but I'll miss him when he's gone. Except the stink. That, I won't miss.

* I used to refer to any household affiliation with this organization only as it related to the Bride, but for better or worse I'm officially part of of "we".