Mostly Useless Thoughts on Stuff that Interests Me...

Monday, April 19, 2010

365 Songs: Day 1

I don't blog enough.

Oh, I realize barely anybody reads this blog, and fewer people actually care about what they read here, what with the endless blather about bikes, running, etc.. But maybe what the people want are my opinions on music!

No? Really? The Interwebs don't care about my opinions?

Oh well, I do this for myself then...

“All art constantly aspires to the condition of music.”
- Walter Pater, The Renaissance: studies in art and poetry

Does it? I don't know and am ill equipped to debate this question. I do know that music moves me easily and frequently in a way that other forms of art rarely do. Books do effect me the same way on occasion, but it requires are lot more time and effort on my part. With music, it just happens (It probably happens too much; the Bride is, no doubt, oh so tired of hearing my insightful commentary like, "Wait! Listen to this next part, it's so freaktastically awesome!").

Please note that I can't sing worth a damn or play an instrument, I can't even read music. I can barely play Guitar Hero. That said, I still love listening to music. I can enjoy music from a reasonable variety of genres: bluegrass, disco, funk, "classic" rock, R&B, rap, soul, art music, electronic, folk, alt-country, American roots music, blues, and more. But what really does if for me is anything that falls under the alternative rock umbrella.

So without further ado, here is today's song:

Starting in the dark ages of the late 90's, i.e. the rap rock era, I began turning away from popular music. Nothing was working for me. Then, in the early part of the new millennium, like a light at the end of a dark tunnel infested with Kid Rock zombies (and me down to my last three 12-gauge shells), I heard this band. It wasn't quite time for me to enter the, "they don't make music like they used to" phase.

They have become on of my all time favorites. I don't care if they sound like Joy Division (I love Joy Division!).


C. Michael Pilato said...

I was hooked … that is, right up until the moment when the singer opened his mouth. But keep 'em coming!

CKY said...

I like this song and the other couple Interpol stuff I've heard but, but...somehow it doesn't land the hook. Sometimes it takes having to listen to a song N times before the door opens in the mind. This one could be one of those.