Mostly Useless Thoughts on Stuff that Interests Me...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

365 Songs: Day 2

Today we dip into the alt-country files and pull out an National treasure (no, not the Nicolas Cage cinematic abomination).

John Hiatt is one of the finest songwriters I know of; he knows how to tell a story. And he isn't a half bad guitar player :-)

Now this recording doesn't feature his finest vocal performance (and the sync is a bit off), but it's still more than adequate. I chose it because I love this song and you get a bonus! Not one, but two National treasures, because his band for this performance is the Goners, and that means slide guitarist Sonny Landreth, who pretty much steals the show here.

Now I must warn you to look past the weird "drunk dad at wedding" thing Hiatt does in the first few seconds. Actually, when I think about it, his whole vibe is a bit like that, but get over it!

So here it is, John Hiatt and the Goners at the 2003 AVO Session Basil festival in Switzerland, performing Tennessee Plates, from 1998's Slow Turning (an album I recommend without hesitation to those with functioning ears):

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