Mostly Useless Thoughts on Stuff that Interests Me...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Guest Poster: Pie for lunch (or everybody is a critic)

I've been following your 100 days of stupid. I must admit that you are much more stupider than me for even attempting this feat, yet for some reason I admire it. I doubt that I could have that kind of perseverance to do anything I enjoy for 100 days straight. I am so far out of shape that it would probably take me a whole weekend to walk the mountain run that you do in 16:58.

Yet, amazingly, I can sit here in my office and pick apart your progress.
Please refer to the pie chart.

I am disappointed that you've spent over half your 100 days running the mountain, and only 10% biking. Mountain and road combined.. Heck, I don't even know why you listed road biking... You've done more Yoga than road bike. I've heard about your great 24 hour mountain bike races and all the preparation that goes into them. Cruising the mountain in the dark. Shuffling for position. I dream of me on my Huffy trying to just keep up with you. How am I suppose to live vicariously through you as a mountain biker if you spend all this time running?

Lets see some more progress on the biking front!


1 comment:

pburba said...


In fairness to myself, I am fundamentally lazy. Running during lunch at the mountain is simply easier then putting the mountain bike on the truck and driving to some good trails. Road biking? To get an equivalent workout would take twice as long as a mountain run.

What would a lazy guy do? That's what I always ask myself.