Mostly Useless Thoughts on Stuff that Interests Me...

Monday, January 15, 2007


Our Spacious House (Kidding)

I was sick in bed most of this weekend and never left the house. It's been a couple of years since I've not gone outside for that long and it's decidedly bad for my mental health (and my physical health because I'm driving my wife crazy and she is probably ready to whack me upside the head at this point).

Everything is coated with ice like this

I was home sick again today, for (what I hope) is the end of the terrible cold/fever that has laid my household and many friends low. Regardless of how lousy I felt today, I couldn't face a third day without a little outdoors. So I put on clothes more suitable to skiing Wildcat on a bad winter day (relatively balmy 31 degrees outside), grabbed my digital camera, and headed out to walk around the yard a bit.

The Pond - The birch trees on the left might not survive the next couple of days

Walking across the lawn sounded akin to walking across a field of champagne flutes. Every minute or two a loud crash echoed from the woods as tree limbs came crashing down. Fortunately there was no wind to speak of, but I still decided to stay in the limited open area our yard affords. Getting brained by a falling tree limb is not the way I want to go.

All I can say to my neighbors in the Monadnock region is that if the temps stay cold and the winds pick up, we are in for a world of hurt. A good quarter inch of ice covers everthing, and a fine mist continues to fall as I write this...

...I just checked the weather, doesn't look good, sub-freezing temps and high wind forecast for my area the next two days.

Two little guys who don't mind the weather

If only this was snow :-(


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures. As terrible as ice storms are, there is a beauty about a crystalized natural world. I remember as a child walking with my Grandmother along my Grandparent's mountain road after an ice storm, gently freeing the birches from their icy burdens.

I hope you feel back to your normal self soon, Paul. For Carol's sake, too. ;-)