Well, it's over. The 100 Days of stupid came to an end on the 60th day, last Friday.
I was feeling a bit under the weather Friday and didn't run during lunch. Worse, I had to help a friend move from Concord to Bennington that night. "No problem" I thought, "I'll get on the trainer when I got home". But by the time the move was complete I was feeling really awful -- a mini Key Lime pie provided as payment for the move, while tasty, was causing me world class stomach distress. When I got home I knew this lark had come to an end. I felt so miserable I wasn't even upset about it, I was just happy to go to bed.
So now I wonder if I should try to finish out the next 37 days (most likely), *restart* the 100 days (very unlikely), or move onto to something new, like PX90 or getting back into Ashtanga (less likely). With the snow flying early this year and my Crotched Mountain season passes maybe I can can come up with a ski-related challenge...