Hey! It's April, time for flowers and the start of serious road riding and maybe some early mountain biking once the mud dries out. Hold that thought. Last Wednesday night saw only our second (hmmm, maybe third) significant snow storm of the year. It's half melted away now, but cool New England temps for the next several days mean a lot of it will hang around a while yet. Where was it when I wanted to ski? Bah! Well, we all know what Mark Twain said about the weather so I'll shut up.
We'd planned a trip to Jenness Beach State Park beach Saturday with J&J and the dogs. Despite a mildly sprained ankle from a trail run that morning, temps in the low 40's, and a general bad attitude on my part (yes I was whining) we went anyway and fun was had by all. Though I confess the beach was a real disappointment, littered with beer cans and trash. It did make my realize how much I like Saquish though...
The unforgettable part of this trip (other than the filth level of a certain Mitsubishi) was the discussion Jabba Joe and I had regarding the Easter Bunny's powers. After a 90 minute round table we determined answers to the following questions:
Q: How far can the Easter Bunny jump?
A: At least 10,000 miles
Q: Do you want to be anywhere near him when he lands?
A: No.
Q: Does the Easter Bunny carry a flashlight to see in the dark?
A: What with his high carrot diet I say no, but Jabba insists that yes, he does. Further he claimed to see him several times near the end of our trip, carrying said flashlight, so I guess it's true.
Q: Is the 73' Dresden Theory (The Easter Bunny can phase through solid matter) true?
A: Probably not.
Q: Does the Easter Bunny posses super-hearing?
A: Yes, most definitely. With it, he can hear your heart and breathing and knows if you are only *pretending* to be asleep.
Q: What does the Eater Bunny wear?
A: A natty* monogrammed ("EB") vest and bow-tie. When not working he also wears a top-hat and carries a cane. The former tends to blow off during the super jumps and the latter is strictly for show so these are not part of his work attire.
Q: What about a monocle?
A: No, that would be Mr. Peanut
Q: Does the Easter Bunny Subcontract?
A: Yes, Santa and the Tooth Fairy, possessing similar breaking and entering skills, have both been known to assist.
Q: If Scorpion #1 had a child that asks as many questions as Jabba would she go insane?
A: Yes, in about 92.5 minutes. It was a close thing.
* Uh, Bride, I told you it was a real word.
All right... I got slammed seriously!! Filthy car, insane woman... good thing I know you like me and that I have a healthy self esteem!!
I've been coming to the blog over the past week looking for new material ... it seems the author is not too prolific :)
Since he has little more to offer ... I felt I must post.
Yes, I was pleased to see the beaches of Plymouth and Duxbury ... now that we are under 3 months to vaca ... let the countdown begin.
I thought I might also offer Happy Birthday to the aged one. How does it feel to now be 48?
I'm trying to get Theo and Bruce to come up with some birthday wishes ... but it's too early and all they can muster is repeated, mumbling requests about Transformers.com ... yes uncle Paul has been trumped by some old school toy given new life on the internet ... to be fair they do have a game that plays Star Wars theme music over and over and over ... which in many ways is a fitting birthday tribute to their uncle :)
Happy Birthday!
See ya,
P.S. Off to Vegas, Carol's favorite destination, for a free-wheeling week on the trade show floor :(
Re "it seems the author is not too prolific :)"
Quality over quantity. Plus, I have a quality quantity of paying work I need to do first :-\
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