Mostly Useless Thoughts on Stuff that Interests Me...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

No, It's Not Nice

I like to ski. And snowshoe. And go sledding. I also like to ride around my yard on my wife's ancient Yamaha Bravo snowmobile. Oh, having my nephews over to skate on our pond, I like that too. Unfortunately none of the above has been possible this year because winter in the large parts of the United States has been cancelled.

Why? Some blame global warming. Global warming? Please! If this winter's temperatures are the result of global warming then we are in deep trouble. Now don't misundertand, I think global warming is a real threat, but it was 70 degrees in January. If this keeps up it will be about 150 this August. No, it seems El Nino and a funky jetstream are to blame.
Regardless of the reason, I hate it.

Every work day I walk to lunch. For the past seven weeks, without fail, someone has commented to me on the "lovely" and "nice" weather we are having. I suppose it is nice, if you are looking for signs of the apacolypse.
Seriously, isn't anyone the least bit worried that it's rather unnatural? But I've been able to maintain my temper, I always agree with them and go about my business.

But today I was well and truly tested. It was a more appropriate 26 degrees at lunch. As I entered the office, two women, smoking outside next to the "NO SMOKING" sign and shivering in their inappropriate clothing, sarcastically comment to me, "Don't you just love this weather?!?!" I stopped in my tracks, something deep inside me threatens to crack, my mind races, I feel myself starting to say the words, "Yes, yes I do love it! It's F%&#! January, what the hell do you expect? Maybe if you stopped smoking your circulation would improve and you'd feel warmer! Put on a damned hat and maybe a jacket! Didn't your mother teach you anything!"

Fortunately I was able to stop myself at the last moment. "At least it's natural", I commented as I quickly hurried inside to warm myself and check the ski conditions at Kicking Horse.


1 comment:

Green Mountain Boy said...

Our local weather guy Mark Breen, Vermont Public Radio's "eye on the sky" was interviewed this morning regarding the weather.. he had a great analogy:

Global Warming is CLIMATE related, and deals with incremental, long-term changes in climate patterns.

What we are experiencing today is WEATHER related, a short term event related to specific, emmediate factors.

Either way, it still sucks.